Horse Stall Mats | Classic Equine Equipment
Horse Stall Mats
Call today for a free quote on flooring and stall matting at (800) 444-7430.

Tired of hauling stall mats out to clean-up the mess underneath? LoktuffTM interlocking mats provide a perfect solution. Backed by a 12-year wear warranty, they are guaranteed never to buckle or curl. They lock together – preventing bedding from getting lodged beneath. Available in ¾” thickness for stalls, they are also available in ½” thickness with a color speck for use in barn aisles.
- Provides more horse comfort
- Reduces bedding cost
- Reduces horse injuries
- Textured surface provides traction
- Totally non-absorbent
- Insulates against cold and damp
- Flat bottom finish (no grooves to promote bacteria growth)
These interlocking stall mats are guaranteed not to curl or buckle. Made from vulcanized rubber, they will not change shape under pressure. Waterjet cut edges ensure a tight fit every time. Custom sizes and configurations available.

Note that mats for a 12’ x 12’ stall measure 11’ 10” x 11’ 10” and are designed for 1” tolerance against all 4 walls.