Hinged Horse stall doors | Best Quality Horse Stalls made in the USA
Hinged Door Horse Stalls
- Fully welded horse stalls or horse stall kit options.
- Horse stall doors with heavy duty barrel hinges or adjustable stainless steel hinges.
- Easy to use plunger latch as a standard.
- 1" bars on 3" center (2" between bars) on upper grillwork. Lower grill work has 1.5" between bars for additional safety.
- Pre-Galvanized Steel with TGIC Polyester Powder Standard.
- Other material and finish options available, including Zinc Powder Prime or Hot Dip Galvanized for Maximum Corrosion resistance.
- Best warranty in horse stall industry.

Hinged horse stall doors add an elegant look and are very functional horse stalls. This style of horse stall allow for a more open concept design than a sliding stall door. Hinged stall doors make for an elegant appearance, such as that offered by the European horse stall design. As you will see, we can also add the hinged door horse stall design to a more tradition horse stall front.
Hinged horse stall doors need room to swing out into the barn aisle meaning your barn aisle must be fairly wide to allow for proper funtion. This is especially true if you have two rows of stalls directly across from one another.
If you are considering installing hinged stall doors, carefully evaluate your barn aisle. The aisle needs to be level so the bottom of the stall door will not interfere with uneven flooring. Ideally, you should build your stall so that there are a few inches of clearance between the bottom of the stall door and the flooring in the barn aisle.
If you are still unsure about which style of horse stall is right for your barn, please give us a call. We would be happy to discuss our various horse stall options and help you determine the best product for your barn.
Request a Free Design Consultation
Custom designs are always welcomed, so call us today or fill out our request form.
Our friendly consultants are always happy to help your create an environment that you’ll be proud of. Let Classic Equipment give you the peace of mind that comes from knowing your horses are protected by the finest equipment available.